TikTok’s Favorite Goal Setting Hacks
We’re only halfway through January so hopefully you’ve been able to stick to your New Year’s resolution at least this far. But if you didn’t that’s fine too. You just have to try again… but maybe this time around it wouldn’t hurt to be more organized. Here are some goal-setting exercises TikTokers swear by that might help get you headed in the right direction.
Write Your Goals Down. @Anisabenitez channeled her inner Steve Harvey on TikTok to spread the simple advice to write your goals down. While lip syncing to a clip of Harvey talking about how you should be using a dream board, Anisa gave the top reasons why you should be putting pen to paper to achieve success. Not only can writing things down help you keep track of your dreams, but it can also help to hold you accountable and keep you focused.
Push One Idea As Far As You Can. This piece of advice goes way beyond the old adage to “never give up.” This one actually wants you to push yourself out of your comfort zone. @james.ck.lim challenges you to take the next great idea that pops up in your brain and actually go out and pursue it. James wants us all to stop just being “idea generators” because the more we don’t pursue our dreams, the harder it is to believe we can. So the next time you have a million dollar idea, push it to the limit and try to make it happen. You might fail or you might end up on “Shark Tank.”
Write A Contract (With Yourself). Is accountability your main issue when it comes to goals? @Dupealeru has a simple and free solution for you. Create a contract with yourself. That’s essentially what you’re doing when you write down your goals on a to-do list anyway so why not make it official. Might as well go all out and get a friend to notarize it as well that way they can hold you accountable too.