Couple Tries Again For A Girl, Has Quintuplets Instead
After 2 boys… this would TOTALLY be my luck!
With two little boys at home, Joshua and Megan Hulen really wanted a girl and decided to try one more time. The North Dakota couple definitely got what they wished for – and then some. They recently welcomed four daughters and another son when she delivered quintuplets. The parents were surprised and even their doctors were speechless because the odds of it happening are so rare.
When Megan first tried to get pregnant, she tried fertility treatments, but after some issues with the treatment, doctors canceled the cycle. She has polycystic ovary syndrome and had used fertility drugs and IUI to get pregnant with her sons, so it was enough of a shock to find out she got pregnant naturally this time. But the couple was blown away to find out Megan was having five babies…and doctors were, too. They told the Hulens there was a one in 43-million chance they’d get pregnant naturally with five and they were the one!
The quints were born on September 2nd when Megan was 32 weeks along. Mom was home after three days, but the babies – Allison, Madison, Emma, Chloe, and Adam – had to stay in the NICU for three extra weeks to get a little stronger. Now they’re all at home and the Hulens are getting used to being a family of nine. “It’s bigger than we anticipated,” Megan says, “but we’re blessed and we’re happy about it.”