Pregnant Teacher Does Distance Learning From Her Hospital Bed
Teachers who are starting their school year off with remote learning may still be trying to figure it all out and Janet Udomratsak is no different. Except that this pregnant first grade teacher in Lancaster, California, is remotely instructing her students from her hospital room. She went into preterm labor and was admitted to Providence Holy Cross Medical Center back on July 4th and she’ll be staying there until she gives birth.
The mom-to-be’s pregnancy is so high-risk, she has to be constantly monitored, so going home isn’t an option. She’s now 33 weeks along and her doctors are hoping she’ll make it to 37 before having her baby. Enterprise Elementary School offered her the chance to take time off, but she turned it down and is teaching online with her laptop perched on her meal tray in her makeshift classroom.
“I chose to start the school year with the students because the beginning of the year is a crucial time to make connections and build strong relationships with your students,” Janet explains. She wanted her class to feel safe and comfortable with her since she’ll only be with them for a little while before she takes maternity leave. She says her doctors, fellow teachers and her family have all been supportive and that her students motivate her to keep going and bring her joy during this tough time.