New Dating Site Only Matches Those With 20-Year Age Gap
There’s a new dating app for those that dream about finding a partner who’s much younger – or older. It’s called 20 Dating, and creator David Minns says it’s “the World’s first extreme age gap dating site.” What’s that mean? The site only matches people who are 20 years older or younger than them. And photos? Not required. Cost? It’s free.
Minns explains that trying to connect with someone with that much of an age gap when using a site like Tinder or Bumble could lead to a lot of rejection. But he says on 20 Dating, “Everyone knows where they stand,” and you can’t even peak at a user with only a 19-year age gap. The site doesn’t involve swiping, it just lets anyone with the appropriate age gap contact each other as they wish. “If you want to date someone much younger than yourself,” the site brags. “Then 20 is the place to be.”
This isn’t the only age-gap-based dating site out there, Gaper also specializes in making May/December love connections. And it’s not Minns’ first try at niche dating sites either. He also started Butterfly, a trans dating app, Big One (a site for well-endowed men), and Dinky One(you guessed it, guys on the other end of the spectrum).