TikTok Can Be Educational! Here’s What You Can Learn
TikTok isn’t just videos of teens already more coordinated than you. It’s also got plenty of uploads that are lowkey life-changing. Here are some hashtags to check out the next time you log in that might just learn you something:
#Editing101. Want to know how the top paid TikTokers make their videos look so incredible? Check out Editing101. You’ll learn about everything from transitions and effects to music and image quality. Because why pay to go back to school if you can learn graphic design 15 seconds at a time.
#Rollerskating. Strapping on rollerblades is about as hot right now as baking sourdough bread and complaining about facemasks. #Rollerskating is a great spot to pick the hobby back up if you’ve been out of the game since elementary school.
#TikTokTaughtMe. #TikTokTaughtMe is the spot to find everything you’ve been doing wrong and all the fun facts that you’ve ever dreamed of. It’s basically where TikTokers go to have their mind blown.
#FurnitureFlip. Turn your TikTok addiction into a new side-gig with #FurnitureFlip. It’s like HGTV without the commercials or cable package. It’s all the incredible free DIY tips for fixing up your place you wish you had at the beginning of quarantine.
@pg13pottery Yes I said Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor 😳 #pottery #ASMR #art #harrypotter #skillbuilding #tiktokartists #howto
♬ Harry Potter - The Intermezzo Orchestra