The Funniest Tweets About Coronavirus Cooking
Most of North Carolina is stuck at home in self-isolation, and unable to go out to eat (other than takeout) which means more folks than ever are being forced to cook for themselves and their families, and it isn’t necessarily going all that well.
Some people can’t cook…some people don’t have the patience to cook, and for others, they don’t like all of the steps and ingredients.
Here are some hilarious coronavirus cooking tweets:
You know you’re deep into quarantine life when a recipe calls for 5 eggs and you reply OH HELL NO.
— Jen (@TheNextMartha) March 23, 2020
It's like we're all on the Food Network show "Chopped" cooking meals with random crap that's left in the pantry.
— Marl (@Marlebean) March 23, 2020
"NO ONE IS WASHING THEIR HANDS ENOUGH!!!!" - me watching any cooking show now
— anne t donahue (@annetdonahue) March 30, 2020
ran out of fruit so I just sauteed onion and garlic in some lemon flavored white claw, give me a cooking show
— maura quint (@behindyourback) March 23, 2020
My husband made us eggs in purgatory for lunch and the irony is not lost on me.
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) March 25, 2020
“Oh shoot you never had lunch, just melt some butter on your popcorn.” Everyone is fending for themselves on this 3,000th day of March.
— Jessica Watson (@JessBWatson) March 30, 2020
& then the most relate-able tweet award goes to the Twitter queen…Chrissy Teigen
Ok I have 3 more very not healthy dinner meals planned for the week. Then I’ll slowly wean off extremely unhealthy dinners and only have unhealthy lunches and breakfasts. Then I will stop having unhealthy breakfasts and only have unhealthy lunch. the only sustainable idea I have
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) March 30, 2020