Why Spring Makes Everyone Horny
Welcome to Spring, everyone! It’s a time for pastel colors, shaping random objects into chocolate, and getting horny. Actually, according to some experts, we’re currently in the horniest time of year.
What makes this time of year extra sensual? Psychologist Danielle Forshee says we can thank the weather. Since we’re getting more sunshine, we’re getting more serotonin which is a chemical we produce that boosts our mood. Basically, happiness equals horniness.
Spring just so happens to fall right after one of the biggest times for breakups: New Years and Valentine’s. People seem especially ready to get back on the dating horse once the flowers start blooming. Perhaps they had a break up over the winter holidays, and they took January and February to rest, and now they’re ready to get back out there.
But since we can’t really safely get “out there” currently we may have to keep all of our horniness to ourselves for a while. As the New York Department of Health wrote in a memo about the COVID-19 pandemic, right now, “you are your safest sex partner.”
Others think there will be a baby boom 9 months from now. We shall see…