Instagram Launches Feature To Let You Watch Videos Together With Friends
Instagram wants to bring friends together during self-isolation due to the coronavirus. The social media site has just introduced a new feature, Co-watching, a sort of Instagram watch party. It basically allows their users to watch videos together with their friends during a video chat.
So, how does it work? Basically you and your friend start a video chat (tap on the arrow in the right hand corner, and then the video icon), and a photo icon will appear in the right corner. When you tap it, it will reveal a list of posts you liked, and you can choose one to enjoy with your friend during the chat.
But those aren’t the only coronavirus-related improvements Instagram is making. They’ve added a COVID-19 section to their donation sticker to help make it easier for folks to give money to coronavirus-related causes, and also added a “Stay Home” sticker to encourage folks to do just that. They also will include more educational resources in Instagram Search, and plan to remove posts with incorrect COVID-19 info, plus add stickers to accurate information.
Source: Mashable