LauRen’s Husband Was An Accidental Thief
Most “theft” crimes are well thought out and planned but Sunday night my husband became an “accidental thief”.
As most of us are, our family is trying to support small businesses struggling to get by with Covid19 looming over our community. So, Sunday night I sent my husband out to pick up pizza from Inizio Pizzeria in South Charlotte.
Luckily we called in the order ahead of time so they had a trail (phone number) to follow when my husband left without paying. This was our first time ordering from this particular restaurant so we wanted to try a couple of different pizzas. When Dallas arrived to pick them up he started talking to the owner and they both got lost in conversation. When they were finished speaking Dallas picked up his food and left.
After about 20 mins of being home, Dallas received a phone call from the restaurant asking him if he had paid for his food. As his epiphany hit him like a ton of bricks, I could overhear him apologizing to the owner. After paying with a credit card over the phone, Dallas hung up, looked at me and said: “you’re not gonna let me live this one down huh?”