You Should Be Waking Up To This Instead of Your Alarm
Maybe Maney is onto something? While most of us think we have simplified life by having everything we need at our fingertips with our phones. Some people still wake up to a good old alarm clock instead of the alarms on their phone. Maney is one of the few who still has an analog alarm clock and one of the alarm settings is waking up to the radio/music and science says that is good for your mind!
If you’re waking up to the sound of a bleep, bloop, or bell, you’re dooming yourself to a bad day. If you want to avoid being a grump around the office, it’s time to enter the 21st century and switch your alarms to something nicer.
According to a new study, the best thing you can do to kick off your workday is to wake up to music. In fact, the study showed melodic alarms actually improved alertness. Meanwhile, harsh alarm tones caused grogginess. They’re also super annoying on TV and movies but that wasn’t part of the study.
Lead author Stuart McFarlane says that these findings are particularly important to people working dangerous jobs. Firefighters, pilots, EMTs, basically anyone who has to be able to pop out of bed and immediately be alert. Waking up to something a bit less dramatic than a BEEP could mean improved efficiency and those are some jobs that really need all the can get.