Study Shows Women Prefer Men With Beards & MRL’s Intern Has A Good One!
On my second day as an intern here at The MRL Show they had me come in on air and talk about a study that involved beards. Apparently a beard is the feature on a man that women find the most attractive! I myself have what I think is a nice looking beard so I was excited to be able to weigh in on the subject. Most of the women I’ve been with liked my beard except for one who didn’t really like any kind of facial hair which at the time I didn’t have much of. I know some women who don’t like beards at all or any kind of facial hair what so ever and some who absolutely love them.
I guess it depends on the beard as well, you have some guys with short beards, little bit longer beards like mine, and ZZ Top type beards that almost goes down to their waist. The beards might look dirty but don’t worry ladies we bearded men like to keep the beards clean and looking good. Which some might not know it can be a lot to keep up with, you got to have it washed, conditioned, brushed, got to have beard oil and balm to keep it styled and soft.
-Intern Nick.
Click here to read the study!
What do you think about men with beards ladies? Give us your opinions on our twitter! @themrlshow