Most People Blame Being Tired On Not Wanting To “Move Furniture”
If your a busy mom or work full time you know the struggle is real. Sleep can be better than sex and if you’re thinking “no way!” you’re totally in the minority. A new study says being tired is the biggest mood killer in the bedroom. This means that everyone is one big yawn away from shutting things down between the sheets and falling asleep in them instead.
Interestingly, chores came in a close second for ruining the mood. 40% of people surveyed said they’ve skipped sex because their partner didn’t do their part around the house. That will teach you to clean up after yourself!
We’re also apparently taking the chill part of Netflix and Chill to literally. 20% of people said that they’d rather watch TV than get it on. If you think that’s ludicrous you’ve clearly never binge watched Schitts Creek.
Last but not least, it appears that 10% of people have friends more interesting than foreplay because 1-in-10 respondents say they’d rather go on social media then move furniture.