What You Really Want From Your Workplace
Since Millennials are apparently the first generation in history to want to work in places that make us happy, there have been non-stop studies to narrow down exactly what our generation is looking for in the workplace.
And since we’re projected to be 75% of countries workforce by 2025, companies are scrambling to figure out what will attract us into their doors. The most recent study, the ironically named, “What Millennials Want From the Workplace,” may have some of the answers they’re looking for.
Interestingly, the survey found the most important thing to millennials when it comes to the workplace is design. The study didn’t give any specific design demands but if you’re planning your office layout you should focus on creating a space that offers people the ability to come and go since 95% of millennials surveyed said flexible working was important.
You might also want to include sushi or an automatic avocado toast machine since 80% of the survey participants said they’d love healthy food options in the office.
The full list of results can be seen here and it also includes some stereotype shattering numbers. For example, even though we’re labeled disloyal job-hoppers, 74% of us said we plan to stay with our current employer for three or more years. The other 25% must be looking for that in-office sushi.
Source: iAfrica