A Lil Nas X and Fiona Apple Collaboration Could be Happening
Are Fiona Apple and Lil Nas X going to work together in the future? It could happen. This may seem random, so let’s back up to the beginning.
Fiona Apple recently did an interview with Vulture, and the singer discussed other artists sampling her songs. Afterward, she released a follow-up video playfully calling Lil Nas X out for sampling her song “Every Single Night.” She says to Lil Nas X in the video, ” You’re probably really great, but you used my song ‘Every Single Night’ too. You sampled that song, too, in a song called ‘Kim Jong Un,’ I think. And, um, hey, where’s my money, you cute little guy? Where’s my money?”
Afterward, Lil Nas Tweeted out that they should work together.
me & fiona apple should do something together for my album
— ☆ (@LilNasX) September 30, 2019
Well, Fiona has responded to that tweet, and it appears as if she is on board for a collaboration in the future. Since Fiona doesn’t use social media, she used a friend’s account to get a video to Lil Nas X. In the video, she says, “My friend Zelda just told me that Lil Nas X tweeted that you would like to do something with me? I would love that! This is such a good ending to this little story. I would love that. I’m not going on social media anymore, by the way, so I’ll get in touch with you personally. Bye.”
Who knows when this will happen though as Lil Nas X just announced he is taking a break. Hopefully, he will be back soon, so the world can experience a Lil Nas X/ Fiona Apple masterpiece.
it’s been a wild last 7 months and im ready to take a little time off. sorry to everyone attending twitchcon or the sandbox music festival, i will not be there. i love u guys and will make it up to you some way. 😎❤️
— ☆ (@LilNasX) September 27, 2019