Charlotte Made a National Dating List…On the Good Side!
Anyone who is on the dating scene knows that trying to find “the one” doesn’t come cheap. In fact, dating can be pretty costly, and, of course, where you live may play a role in how much money you’ll be shelling out in order to find true love.
Tuxedo rental site, The Black Tux, just came out with a report revealing the most expensive cities for dating looking at the average cost of transportation, dinner, tip, movie tickets and a post-date nightcap in the Top 50 cities in the country.
So, where will you spend the most for a date? Well, New York City, where a date will set someone back $155.78. Considering a lot of things are pricey in the Big Apple that doesn’t some as much of a shock. Coming in second is San Francisco at $144.94 per date, followed by and San Jose at $141.55.
Charlotte came in on the bottom 5 list… $99.25 per date.
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