You’re Going To Ruin Our Holiday With Kale-E-Canes!?!
Now, why you gotta go and mess with our holidays! Candy canes should be CANDY CANES! Not pickle-flavored candy canes or mac & cheese candy canes. Yes, there have been some bad experiments in the past and we should probably learn from our mistakes! But hey, lets give it one more good ole college try! Once again there is another round of odd flavored candy canes coming out for Christmas 2019.
This year, they’re selling ham-flavored “Hamdy Canes”(yuck!) and pizza-flavored candy canes (which I MIGHT be able to get on board with) However, here is where I draw the line…. kale-flavored candy canes. They even joke that it “gives you the flavor of kale with none of the dietary benefits.” Well, at least they’re honest.
I don’t know about you but I think I’ll pass and stick to the traditional peppermint flavor!