What LauRen Likes : Baseboard Cleaner
When I moved into my new house the baseboards were a mess. I’m sure the old family’s kids were rough on them then add movers and my little rug rat and we have yourself a perfect storm or dust, mud and finger prints.
I thought it would be smooth sailing when someone told me that a dryer sheets would work wonders on those bad boys, but that was a bold faced lie! Sure it took the dust off but I needed more and I was over breaking my back to do it.
Thus, I found the Baseboard Buddy multi use cleaner. I just spray my own cleaner on the boards and use the long handled Swiffer to wipe them down. No more bending over and killing my back, plus the baseboards look great.
I love that I found this because lets be honest … with a 2.5 year old this won’t be the last time they need to be washed.