Roys Wine Club: Monopole Blanco Seco – White Wine with a Surprise
I’m one of those guys that prefers a nice glass of wine over a beer. I’m also one of those guys that when I join friends at a brewery, I ask for the wine menu and order from that.
Judgment aside, over the weekend I was at Barcelona in Southend Charlotte. It’s a tapas restaurant with an expansive wine menu and I love trying new bottles every time I dine there.
Over the weekend I was introduced to a 2015 Monopole Blanco Seco. Imported from Spain, this wine is packed with surprises. Now I’m not one with a delicate pallet that can perfectly identify every note of the glass, but this one was packed with flavor.
The taste is insanely complex and the bottle is beautiful. It’s super aromatic, medium-bodied white wine, with saved freshness, hints of nuttiness, citrus, and some oaky features. My tastebuds were on a roller coaster while drinking it.
If a Chardonnay and a Sauvignon Blanc could have a child, Monopole Blanco Seco would be it.