What LauRen Likes : Potty Safe
Potty training a child is no joke; it has never been the easiest job. It requires lots of skill and patience, that’s why you need Potty Safe.
From learning to sit upright to crawling to walking and now to potty training a mother’s work is never done! Nevertheless, as parents, we would do all it takes to ensure our children have the best of everything.
It is always fun reading about the potty training experiences mothers have had with their children. I knew a woman whose baby girl was sitting naked on her potty while she got a bath ready. When she turned around the baby had climbed up on top of the dresser and went potty up there!
With Cash on the cusp of potty training soon, I have done my fair share of research on the best potty to use. I have come to the conclusion that POTTY SAFE is the way to go.
POTTY SAFE is not just a regular potty; it is a whole lot more. The cost of acquiring a Potty Safe is relatively affordable considering all of its safety features.
The POTTY SAFE is designed in such a way that the waste bowl is securely attached to the base so children cannot remove it and make a mess of their own.
The waste bowl is still removable by parents for easy disposal and thorough cleaning.
It also has a built-in splashguard and rubber feet to prevent sliding, which is pretty cool and makes it more sleek and modern.