These Americans Don’t Know Why We Celebrate 4th of July!?
Ok so it’s no lie that we ALL took a snooze once or twice in history class, but C’MON! Don’t be one of this 4th of July zombies who don’t know the meaning of why we celebrate! Yeah, the beer and fireworks are great by the pool but it’s always good to know the actual meaning of the holiday.
If someone came up to you with a camera and a mic and asked you “Why do we celebrate the 4th of July?” would you know how to respond?
The answer is yes! Oh, and if it wasn’t – shh, just read/watch this and act like you’ve known the answer since 7th-grade history class.
The reason why the fourth day of July has such significance is that on that day in 1776 our Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress.. making the United States an independent nation! What people didn’t know is that before that – we were under Great Britain before that.
So there ya go! MRL History Lesson… You’re welcome
(If we’re wrong… we all know who fell asleep the most during history class *cough roy cough*)