Long-Distance Friendship Rules To Live By
As we grow older and graduate college, life happens and sometimes that means moving away from family and loved ones. With how busy everybody is these days it’s hard to remember to put friendships first (especially when they’re long distance)…so we have some ideas for you!
My best friend moved from North Carolina to New Jersey after high school, so I have literally been part of a long distance friendship ever since. When you find “your person” (yes, I’m talking Meredith Grey/Christina Yang type person) then no matter the distance, you figure out a way to make it work. But just like relationships, long-distance friendships take work. Since I moved to Charlotte two years ago I have definitely lost touch with people who I considered my best friends. I feel like I did my best to put in the effort but the effort wasn’t reciprocated. Here’s a list of things you can do to help a long distance friendship:
- Make time to see each other, even if it’s just once a year
- Keep an active text chain
- Call them whenever something reminds you of them
- Send care packages whenever you miss them (or can afford it)
- Keep them updated on your life
- Remember important milestones and dates
- Make their birthday feel extra special
- Keep up with the same TV shows
- Use #tbt to take a stroll down memory lane
- Keep up with their family news
If you have a long distance friendship, what do you do to make sure everything stays the same? Tweet us! @theMRLshow