What Does Your Mom REALLY Want For Mother’s Day?
The results from a TripAdvisor survey reveals what Moms really want for Mother’s Day may surprise you.
- 30% of moms revealed that their top dining preference is brunch
- 24% of moms prefer a home cooked meal
- 48% of moms enjoy spending Mother’s Day with their children
- 25% of moms like spending Mother’s Day with their partner
- 19% of moms want to spend the day with extended family
Although 30% of moms prefer brunch only 16% were actually treated to brunch last year based on the survey. Time spent with children, partners and extended family seems to still be very important to moms.
I always travel to see my mother and spend the day or weekend with her because time is very important. And yes, good food, good times and good laughs is always there.
So whether you decide to do brunch, cook a meal or just hang out on the porch with mom and family, seeing her smile trumps everything.
You tell us Mom, should we starting booking brunch reservation now? Tell us about the best Mother’s Day you have ever had? Tweet us! @theMRLshow
Intern Darian / MRL Morning Show