Hacks To Help Your Kid Memorize Your Phone Number
There are never enough ways to be better safe than sorry.
It’s always important for your child to know all of your information in case of an emergency. Getting a little one to memorize addresses and phone numbers can be a challenge with their short attention spans. Jen Rice, blog writer of Playdough to Plato, came up with a brilliant idea that will have your kid memorizing your telephone number in no time!
Her idea uses the theme song from the old school “Mickey Mouse Club” theme song. All you do is swap the letters M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E with the phone number and name of who it belongs to. So since MRL’s number is 704-570-9595, the song is “7-0-4-9-7-0-9-5-9-5-MRL!”
It may not be natural at first but after a little practice the kiddos will catch on and then the tune will be stuck in the entire houses’ brain.
Here are a few other effective ways to teach your kid an important phone number:
- Play “phone number hopscotch” – Draw a dial pad on the sidewalk with chalk and see how fast they can step on the right numbers in order
- Let your kid order pizza for the family – Food motivation!
- Make the number their iPad password
Do you know any parenting hacks? Tweet them to us! Maney has a 5 year old and a newborn while LauRen’s son is about to turn 2! @theMRLshow