Play Anything Day 2018: Meet Ella Samms!
Watch out MRL, Ella is a radio princess!
Today is our 7th Annual Play Anything Day. It’s a day where we team up with Levine Children’s Hospital and raise money to help the kids that are patients there. How do we do this? We take song requests! Any song you want to hear for a donation! That’s right, we dedicated the entire morning show today to help these kids – so we ditched the format…anything goes, and we mean anything!
We had a guest DJ in the studio this morning who found solace in the Seacrest Studios that lives inside Levine Children’s Hospital. Seacrest Studios is just one amenity that this comprehensive hospital has to offer. They have so many amenities to offer, Ella and her family drive from High Point every two months just to see Dr. Dranove at Levine. Now that’s saying something!
Ella has “tummy issues” and her mom is overwhelmed with the love and care her daughter receives while at Levine Children’s Hospital.
This is why we do days like today. To help these kids get the life they deserve.