Millennials’ Lives Are Now Easier Than Their Parents’
With every generation comes it’s own set of difficulties, but are there more advantages to millennials’ lives than the generation before?
Every generation comes with it’s own set of difficulties. Whether it’s the political climate or how much time we are spending in front of screens, there are always going to be everyday hurdles that everyone has to face and overcome. With every difficulty, comes a bunch of blessings and ways to make things easier.
What we are arguing is that the generation of millennials have it easier than their parents, the generation before.
Why is that?
- They have the ability to stay in touch with friends & family through social media most of their lives
- The ability to meet partners online and form lasting connections with tons of options
- Three words…Work. From. Home
- Access to health information thanks to the Internet and regulations on transparency
- We can learn outside of a traditional classroom using online classes
- We face less stigmas around mental health issues and have more resources to handle them
While our parent’s may have had a simpler lifestyle, there’s no doubt that our access to just about anything has proved to be more of a crutch than a burden.
Be thankful <3