How Many People Should You Date At Once?
It’s hard to slow down on dating when there are so many options available to you…right?
We get it…you’re single. You want to weigh your options and even though we aren’t suggesting you stick to dating one person, it’s okay to slow it down a notch. It’s okay to go on several first or second dates with different people because those are the dates where you are keeping your options open and trying to find out what you’re into.
It’s when one date turns to two, then two turns to three, etc. that you may want to take a minute to reconsider the other options. You never know what the other person’s expectations are and the biggest thing is to make sure you both are on the same page. Nobody wants to look dumb.
That brings us to this point…never burn bridges with someone because you were under the impression something was more casual than it actually was. The last thing you would want to do is have someone turn against you due to you hurting their feelings.
So before you date multiple people at once keep in mind the feelings of others, your actions will not only affect just you. Nonetheless, enjoy getting to know yourself and others!
Have you dated more than one person at a time? How did it end? Tell us about it @theMRLshow!