Super Bowl 2018 Prop Bets
Everybody watches the big game for different reasons. Some watch for the commercials, some watch for the halftime show.. while others watch for the opportunity to make some money!
When you think of people betting on the game, it’s traditionally over/under but a prop bet is a bet on a specific action happening. They can be placed on ANYTHING such as the color Gatorade thrown on the coach at the end of the game, to the color of the performer’s clothing.
Here’s some of this year’s prop bets:
How long will it take for Pink to sing the national anthem?
What color will Pink’s hair be when she starts to sing the national anthem?
Will Pink forget or omit a word from the national anthem?
Will “nipplegate” be said during broadcast?
Will Justin Timberlake cover a Prince song during halftime?
What color will the liquid be that is poured on the game-winning coach?
These are so funny! For a full list of this year’s prop bets click here!