Avoid An Airport Nightmare With This Must Know Travel Tip!
If you’re traveling by plane this weekend, or anytime check out this time saving travel tip to get out of the airport as quickly as possible.
Airports are a lot. Long lines, big crowds, and confusing signs everywhere. No one wants to be at the airport longer than they have to. The goal is to get in and get out as quickly as possible. Getting your luggage immediately is the best way to do so. A former baggage handler shares his tips on ways to get your luggage first. He says the later you check in the better chances your bag will be loaded last, which means it will be unloaded first. He also suggests checking your bag at the gate, although you won’t be able to bring large liquids because it will have to get through security. Another possible tip, according to “Travel & Leisure” you can ask the agent to put a fragile sticker over your bag, since these items are often loaded last do to their delicate nature.
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