AUDIO: Survey Reveals The Best And Worst Lovers In The World
How does your country rank among the “Best” and “Worst” lovers of the world. You might be surprised by the results.
An online dating company called Saucy Dates surveyed over 22,000 straight people to see which countries have the best and worst lovers. Participants were asked to rank the last person they slept with on a scale from 0 (worst ever) to 10 (best ever), and to also reveal their country of origin. U.S. men and women were surprisingly ranked the same as one another. Americans were ranked with an overall score of 8, and were ranked as the best lovers on the list. The worse ranked on the list is New Zealand men with a sad score of 4. Also ranked among the top were Italian women and South African men. Surprisingly Australian men were ranked among the top, whereas Australian women were ranked among the lowest or worst.
Check it out below and let us know your thoughts @theMRLshow