The Instagram Page You Need
Let’s face it we all follow those size 0 Instagram models for either fitness or fashion, that are traveling the world for that perfect post and we all hate ourselves after. But now, this is a page we can feel good about…
‘Fat Girls Traveling’ is an Insta account that combines the best of both of those while inspiring your next trip. Annette Richmond, who started the public Insta account, hopes it provides a sort of support group for women too.
Richmond started the group to share her love for travel and now has more than 2,100 followers on Insta. She says her goal with creating ‘Fat Girls Traveling’ was to build a safe and inclusive community, as well as help take the stigma out of the word ‘fat.’
Now, I know what you’re thinking…”Fat” isn’t exactly the word most women want to be referred to as, however, this account features women of all shapes, sizes, and colors as the travel the world and embrace their individuality and loving their curves. It should really be called “Phatm Girls Traveling” because these women are nothing short of fabulous and stylish!
Check out Fat Girls Traveling on Insta and tell us what you think @theMRLshow!