Woman Furious After Husband Cancels Her Job Interview
Getting a job interview isn’t easy, so you can imagine how upset one woman was to find out hers was canceled, and even worse, it was canceled by her husband behind her back.
According to The Mirror, a woman shares on Reddit that due to her physical disabilities she was forced to leave her job in 2019 and she has struggled to find another company to hire her. In the meantime, her husband became the breadwinner and told her “just stay home and not worry about working.”
But because she wasn’t working, her husband expected her to take care of all the chores in the house, despite her “physical discomfort,” and when she confronted him about it he insisted that if she went back to work they’d evenly distribute the chores once again, although he wasn’t exactly supportive of her getting a new gig. She says, “I told him I would find a job and he laughed and said ‘good luck.’”
Although she did indeed find it hard to find a job, a friend’s husband came through with an opportunity that would work for her, allowing her to work from home. A few days later her friend called her to ask why she canceled the interview when she hadn’t. When her husband came home, he admitted he was the one who canceled it, claiming he thought she “didn’t seem fit” for the job, and canceled it “to spare me the heartache of being rejected.”
Needless to say, the OP was angry and “flipped out” on her husband, telling him he didn’t want her to get the job because he didn’t want to have to do chores again but he “seemed offended by” the accusation and called her “unreasonable.” He then started “cold-shouldering” her and even deleted her social media account saying it’s bad for her “mental health.”
Source: The Mirror