Postdates Will Get Your Stuff Back From Your Ex’s Place
Have you ever left your valuables at an ex’s place and didn’t want to deal with the face-to-face that comes with retrieving your belongings? Well, Postdates has removed that variable, picking up your stuff for you.
According to the Postdates website, you select the type of relationship you were a part of, add the items you’d like to get back or send back, and fill out some delivery info (your address, your ex’s phone number, payment method, etc). Depending on the situation, Postdates will then reach out to your ex (or whoever) to see if they either have your items and are willing to let them pick it up, or are willing to accept the delivery for the items that you’re returning to them. Once everything is good to go, delivery proceeds and you get charged after the request has been accepted.
Postdates takes a page from the actual Postmates website, where you select your relationship “type” from choices like“casually dated,” “lived together,” “one night stand,” etc. Delivery starts at $25 in Los Angeles and $30 in New York City, along with an additional “emotional labor fee” of $3.99. As long as your items can fit in a large grocery bag (12x7x17″), minus illegal substances, your items will be returned within 24 hours.
In an interview with TechCrunch, producer Suzy Shinn said, “You can put in a request, and the ex has to consent obviously and be like, ‘Yeah, I have this stuff for you, I’ll put it outside,’ and our couriers have Postdates bags that we give to them. But legitimately, you can use it in both of those cities as long as you’re not sending a cat, or a child, or alcohol, or drugs, or something that won’t fit in a bag.”
Conceptual artist Ani Acopian chimed in, “We spent a lot of time on the workflow to make sure no addresses are shared, that everyone’s consenting to be involved, and we’re trying to keep it no contact, so we’re asking people to put stuff on their door handle. You’re not charged until your ex accepts the order.”