Mecklenburg County and Cardinal Health
Yesterday we found out that Mecklenburg County plans to cut ties with Cardinal Innovations. The organization helps people secure services that have concerns surrounding their mental and behavioral issues. This comes after Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners voted in unison to cut ties with Cardinal Innovations and realign with Alliance Health. Next steps is for the County Manager to issue a letter of intent to make things official. Wow, this is timely because we just came out of Mental Health Awareness Month in May 2021 and the announcement comes in on June 1, 2021.
If you’re curious and need more information, the plan will be published on the following websites: and As mentioned, we just celebrated May 2021 as mental health awareness month which gave us permission to say aloud that we need solace, because distress or sadness is real, and sometimes our loved ones can pick up on the signals, but most of the time we suffer in silence when we don’t speak up and seek help. Early intervention is key which can result in a faster recovery. Our little planet of people would be in a better place if everyone got help from the right therapist. The operative phrase is, understanding our plight. I hope everyone is doing okay in these times of unknowing and chaos. Just know, that somebody does care about you!!! Cheers!