Get Help With Your Bills
If you or someone you know needs assistance, the City of Charlotte is helping with your water bill. Funding is limited and you are strongly encouraged to act as soon as possible. Make contact soon for help to avoid disconnection of your service. For additional assistance, the Customer Care Team can help you select the best option for your situation. To speak with the Care Team, please call 311.
Charlotte Water is collaborating with three local non-profit organizations to provide financial assistance to customers. Charlotte Water strongly encourages any customers experiencing financial hardships to seek assistance with one of the three assistance programs listed below.
Charlotte Mecklenburg Housing Partnership: The Housing Partnership’s website,, is now open (as of February 9, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.) and accepting applications again for rent and utility assistance. The Housing Partnership is an affordable housing organization, serving low- and moderate-income individuals, families, and communities through real estate development, homeownership education and financing, and neighborhood revitalization. This federal-funded program is available to all Mecklenburg Country residents. Visit to apply before funds run out.
Crisis Assistance : Crisis Assistance provides assistance and advocacy for people in financial crisis, helping them move toward self-sufficiency. Available to all Mecklenburg County residents.
Curbside rent and utility assistance are available for Mecklenburg County residents at 500-A Spratt St on Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Payments are made directly to the landlord or utility company.
Common Wealth Charlotte (CWC) – Common Wealth Charlotte (CWC) works as a loan program to empower Charlotte’s working poor to achieve financial independence through innovative financial education and capability services. Available to all Mecklenburg Country residents.
Customers with past due balances should continue to make payments to avoid the accumulation of higher past due balances and future disconnection. As long as a customer is on a payment arrangement, the customer will not face a disconnection notice.
Charlotte Water has established the Customer Care Team, a dedicated group of trained customer service professionals to work with customers. Our team will connect customers with community assistance agencies to help pay their bills and work through financial hardships one-on-one.