The 20 Minute Follow Along Workout
If you’re old enough to remember going to Aerobics and Step Classes, yeah for you! It was the highlight of our lives to make it through the high impact 45-minute class without injuries. Well, the injuries came years later when we realized that our knees were damaged due to all that impact. I guess it took one generation of women to tell the tales of bad knees.
Desi Ventures on YouTube is back at it again, inspiring us to move the body with low impact moves, coupled with lots of stretches. This workout is a quick 20 min FULL BODY workout when you need a little direction. How do you like to workout, with direction or by yourself?
Experts and articles are saying 15 minutes of exercise per day could actually increase your lifespan. Scientists from the European Society of Cardiology evaluated study participants over a 12-year period and found that those who exercised at a low level (or the equivalent of a 15-minute brisk walk) were 22 percent less likely to die during the study period than those who didn’t exercise at all. And participants who exercised at medium and high levels reduced their risk of death by 28 percent and 35 percent, respectively. Follow Desi on Instagram @desiventures!