Visit The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Have you ever heard the longing whoosh of the waves, singing out to you like a Greek siren? In this story, Ebony Elizabeth shares her love for the ocean because it’s a sacred place for her, she goes on to say”Growing up in Boston, I remember whale watching in the rocky Atlantic waters. I adored the way the cool water submerged my toes beneath the surf…submerged my mind in a sea bliss. I reveled in how the sea and sky kissed on the distant dash of horizon.
Nostalgic, but what’s the real tea on our big blue buddy? The truth is we’re polluting the hell out of our oceans and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch happened. Google a picture of it. It’s as terrifying as it sounds. The GPGP is the world’s largest offshore plastic accumulation zones located between California and Hawaii. When plastic floats down the river and into the sea, much of it finds it’s way here.
The worst part is that the GPGP it’s only one of 5 areas in the world’s oceans overrun with plastic debris. An estimated 80’000 metric ton makes up this floating garbage heap. That’s literally the size of Texas! The plastic just sits there suspended in the currents indefinitely. It’s murder on the environment and on us. Plastic takes a long time to degrade but when it does, it just breaks into smaller bits of micro plastic. Marine animals mistake micro plastics for food and starve because they are full on debris.
Have you noticed how much plastic is in packaging these days?! They know were just going to throw it away. These companies have a hand in the way we consume plastic. The amount of plastic water bottles used by Americans daily is insane. So what can we do to prevent further destruction? To start, we can recycle and consume less plastic. Lobby your local MP. Let our collective voices be heard by petitioning on platforms like 38 degrees. We must convince politicians that change is imminent and we’re here for it. Let’s work to make our oceans cleaner.