Mecklenburg County Should Test Inmates
Contrary to what we’ve been hearing, the hot spots for the Coronavirus is not nursing homes or senior living facilities, it’s jails and prisons, followed by meat packing plants! In fact nonprofits are raising money and asking citizens to send bars of soap so prisoners can wash up. Isn’t soap a necessity for inmates, and isn’t that apart of where taxpayer dollars go? In most instances, inmates have to pay inflated prices for a bar of soap from the commissary, but most prison inmates are paid upto $2 a day for 8 hours of work, okay, let’s move on.
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of the article. According to good sources like attorneys seeing clients in our Mecklenburg County jail, they’re witnessing clients suspected of having the coronavirus, but no one is testing them. Statements have been released saying no one has contracted the virus, but how can one tell, if you don’t test them?
If there’s no social distancing inside the jail, and no one is being tested, let’s see how that works out. Will there be deaths from this protocol or the lack of one? For free citizens with misdemeanors watch out because instead of being handed a citation as suggested during a pandemic, you’ll be arrested and will sit in an overcrowded jail cell. You should google criminal punishment bureaucracy and see what you find. Until we meet, be safe and wear your mask and gloves.