You’re Eating Over 1,000 Meals
If you eat 3 meals a day this leap year you’ll eat 1,098 meals. Thinking before you put something in your mouth is too much work, but if we slightly plan over 700 meals things with a theme might make it a little easier. When it comes to what we should eat and do eat is confusing because we’re afraid of processed foods, lots of beef and pork. People shy away from meat because they’re concerned with killing animals. Making food choices that are good for us and the environment will boil down the choices. Grow your own gardens. Vegetables to start in February include lettuce varieties, chard and eggplant. February is a good time to start cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage. Start summer squash when you start the pepper and tomato plants. Plant cucumber seeds during the last week in February.
To be a conscious eater isn’t about fads and diets, it’s about growing our own foods, raising our own chickens and getting items from farmers we know by first name. Go to your local farmers’ markets and get to know the farmers. Or challenge yourself to grow your own garden this year.