Going Through Postmenopausal Zest
Postmenopausal zest sounds like a fun rollercoaster ride full of highs and lows, and it is! Menopausal zest actually refers to a woman’s special time when experiencing a rush of both physical and psychological energy and a burst of renewed vigor. From the confidence to go after more dreams and desires, new careers, even running away from the life she doesn’t want anymore is all about that postmenopausal zest or zingy feeling. If women only got a chance to run and save the world on a larger scale, after all, she’s a multitasker and pretty efficient at it. Think about the households she runs, the office space she controls and compassion for others she displays, and sometimes she has the weight of the world on her shoulders and you’ll never know it. You’ll hear men teasing women about “the change” she’s going through and wish her to be cast-off to an island alone but think about all of her capabilities and celebrate them. Which includes giving birth and only having 6 weeks off from work. All those dam bake sales she has to run, PTA meetings she has to attend. Not to mention her parents she’s caring for in these times of Alzheimers and Dementia. I’m just asking, saying and telling you to give her a break and respect her space! Here are a few more articles and shows on NPR about menopause.