Rent or Repo The Car
You’ll never understand the trials and tribulations of someone living the low-income life if you’ve never experienced more than one year. Please share this information with a senior citizen! In Mecklenburg County, there’s help this winter for senior citizens paying utility bills via Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services. They’re offering help to residents by disbursing LIEAP funds, which stands for Low Income Energy Assistance Program to eligible households in Mecklenburg County.
LIEAP is a federal social services program that assists low-income households with their immediate home energy needs, so they won’t have to choose between heating their homes and buying other necessities.
Eligible households must meet the following criteria:
- At least one eligible U.S. citizen or legal resident in the household
- Income at or below 130% of the federal poverty level (e.g., $15,782 or less for one or $32,630 or less for a family of four after deductions)
- Cash resources of $2,250 or below
To find out more log onto the official website to apply.