College Versus Trade School
After high school will you be spending a fortune on a college education? Will you ever make that money back in one lifetime or will the debt follow to the grave? Higher education is an extremely tough subject and highly debatable depending on who you are. The big lie is, you’ll be able to pay off student loans easy, but that’s not true. Do you own poll and ask at least 10 folks with a 4-year degree if they’re ahead of their loans or behind the 8-ball.
Here are some things to think about when either you’re deciding to further your education or you’re talking with your child about their future and earning potential. College is a great experience and you get what you put into it. Now, whenever you start a new job in your major or its something completely different, most jobs like you have experience but not too much. Companies want to train you their way, they want you empty-handed so it’s done their way. There is also nothing wrong with going straight into the workforce directly after high school. Just keep an open mind when deciding your future because there are success stories on both sides!