Are You Always Late?
Every day we have something to do, and usually, we have a good routine that makes the day even easier to get though. We wake up at the same time, get some breakfast, get the kids ready for the day, get ourselves ready for the day and head out the door, not necessarily in that order. But what happens when there is a break in the routine, something out of the ordinary that is going to make you adjust your entire morning schedule in order to get things done?
I find the easiest way to make sure you are on time for everything is to backward plan your day. Let’s say you have a meeting at 8 am when you usually get to work at 9 am. In this case you take the time you need to be there, let’s say 7:45 so we aren’t late. From there you subtract the time it takes for your morning tasks, working backward from the time you need to be at work. So subtract your commute time, 30 minutes, your morning routine, 2 hours, and that will tell you what time you need to start the day. In this case, we have to get up at a bright and early 5:15.