Do Pets Choose You?
Getting a new pet is a big decision, and proper research should always be a part of the decision. Step one is deciding the right pet for your lifestyle. Determine how much alone time your pet is going to have while you are at work and how much time you can dedicate to training and caring for your pet while you are home. Next, is the effects that pet is going to have on your home. If you get a cat or a dog, be prepared to occasionally be covered in fur or tripping over pet toys in the middle of the night. Keep in mind that long-haired pets while requiring more grooming and maintenance than a short-haired pet would. If none of this appeals to you, there are also options to get fish, turtles, snakes or other unconventional types of pets.
Once you have the type of pet chosen, its time to go get them. I would recommend a rescue over a purchase. There are so many animals that need good homes and would be more than happy to share they love they have with you. I understand you may have special needs, such as a hypoallergenic pet or specially trained animals, but in the event that you don’t, visit a local shelter. Most animals at a shelter have been checked over by a vet and given a clean bill of health. Not only is it less expensive than visiting a breeder, but you are saving a life as well.