Time To Think About Christmas Toys
Yes, it time to start thinking about Christmas toys for kids. What about the children who may not get a gift under the tree in 2019? Corvette Angels are gearing up to give back during the holiday season thanks to the vision of Bill Miller, Founder of Road Runner Vettes and their “Corvette Angels” members.
Road Runner Vettes (RRV) has an annual Toy Drive and their “Corvette Angels” event is an exciting time supporting the littles ones in our community with school visits speaking positivity during the school year and passing out toys during the holidays.
Since 2011 Road Runner Vettes members have single handly passed out thousands of gifts during the holidays and their members of car enthusiasts come from the Carolinas, Georgia and Virginia to make it happen. The exciting visual of distributing toys in grand corvette style to children across the region brings a huge smile to their faces. Learn more about Corvette Angels.