Be Part Of Relay For Life And Help Communities Fight Cancer!
Together we can beat cancer!
Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature fundraiser dedicated to helping
communities attack cancer.
Funds raised not only help the American Cancer Society create breakthrough research, but also
provide free lodging near treatment, a 24/7 live helpline, and free rides to treatment.
One out of three people in the US will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Relay For Life helps by:
o Funding potentially lifesaving cancer research grants totaling over $400 million already
o Fielding well over a million calls and chats from patients and caregivers seeking support
o Providing nearly half a million nights of free lodging near treatment for patients in 2017
Be part of Relay For Life by joining an existing team and raising money, donating, or even
volunteering your time on the day of the event.
Relay For Life teams fundraise leading up to the event. On the event day, there’s an Opening Ceremony, and teammates take turns walking laps to symbolize the ongoing fight against cancer.
The day is full of laughs, games, raffles, music, and food. As darkness falls, we light Luminaria to remember those we’ve lost, and we end the day with a Closing Ceremony to recognize everyone for their hard work.
Click here to join in on the fight!
No One Fights Alone!
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