Groom Our Young Ladies Today, For A Brighter Tomorrow
The Grooming Greatness Foundations “Ladihood Initiative” is spear-headed by Monique Stubbs Hall. What exactly is the Ladihood Initiative? It’s a program with a main objective to build self-esteem, reinforce valuable life lessons, provide mentorship and recognition for a job well done.
Obviously, our future depends on both young men and women of today. However, building strong women in our communities and even more importantly within our own families is the cornerstone of a brighter future. If you want to be part of a brighter future, The Grooming Greatness Foundation is presenting The 2018 Groom Out Gala, a wonderful event Saturday, October 20, 2018 from 7:00 PM – 10:00 at The Matthews Ballroom & Events. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness of the mission and goals of the foundation and to raise funds for next years initiatives. The Ladihood program provides quarterly activities each year for the young ladies in the program. A spring workshop, a summer talent showcase, fall highlights the annual gala, and winter brings the ladies on a field trip to an artistic adventure. All of this information and more, including how to donate can be found on the GGF’s website HERE.
Be a star of tomorrow and come enjoy a 1950’s themed celebration with great music, insight, food, and entertainment at this year’s Groom Out Gala!