Gen Y puts the Y in DIY
Gen-Y can be more productive than they are given credit for sometimes.
Our personal options coupled with research and stats on Generation Y can be varied when it comes to working ethic and being responsible adults. The new CEO is a Gen-Y! They wear tennis shoes, comfortable clothes while leading Board meetings. Their imagination and creativity are off the charts like no other generation because of their free and smart spirit.
So maybe we should look at all the positive things Gen-Y is doing and stop complaining about their use of technology, because after all we created it, and purchased their first devices. The brilliant mind of a Gen Y is not just savvy in the Tech world, they’re huddled over there in the Crafts At Hand room bringing Macramé back in fashion. painting, cutting up wood with Miter Saws, knitting, and sewing up a storm. Sounds like Gen Y is going to continue the Arts & Crafts legacy of our favorite Baby Boomers.
Take for instance 24-year-old Desi Scruggs, the CEO of Crafts At Hand; she’s engaging onlookers with DIY tutorials. Desi is a CI Engineer for a Fortune 500 by day and on the weekend & nights, Crafts up creations; mostly Zen-inspired. It’s a beautiful thing when Baby Boomers can pass the Arts & Crafting torch onto Gen-Y without any regret.