Testicular Cancer Awareness Event this Saturday
Paint Your Balls Out is a testicular cancer awareness event that is part of the Save a Nut campaign.
Save a Nut is a campaign to raise awareness and bring support to the fight against testicular cancer. The Save a Nut campaign was started by Mark Borja after he was diagnosed with testicular cancer back in October of 2017. He start the campaign because he didn’t want any man to ever feel like they are less because of testicular cancer. For more information about Mark’s story or the Save a Nut campaign click here.
The first ever event of the Save a Nut campaign is Paint Your Balls Out. The event is August 18th starting at 6:30 pm at the Lenny Boy Brewing in Charlotte. The night will include an evening of painting, local beer and Kombucha, live music and fun. The event is the first of it’s kind happening in Charlotte and is the first of many to come. To find out more about the event click here.