What Does Being Tall & Being A Cheater Have In Common…?
Tall, dark, and handsome may be the dream for most however, new studies could have you changing up your type in men!
So what is it that studies are saying makes him most likely to cheat? That’s right… over 6ft and you need to cut him off!
Apparently being tall is also associated with having more confidence, therefore making taller men more likely to cheat. If it wasn’t already hard enough to find the perfect guy, this is just one more thing to consider. Never fear though ladies, look at LauRen and Dallas…he’s well over 6ft and she keeps her man in line!
Tell us what you think about this stereotype? Is it true? Have you ever dated one or more person taller than you that has cheated? Our listener friends called in to tell us their response, let’s hear yours! @theMRLshow!