Once-Popular Purchases That Millennials Are Refusing To Buy
The global health crisis seems to have distracted the news organizations from the real problem with the world. Our generation’s insatiable bloodlust for murdering industries. But soon enough they’ll be back blaming us for everything going wrong, so let’s take a moment to catch up on all the things Millennials are “killing” so we’re prepared to argue with the Boomers once again.
Cars (and Gas). Not only are Millennials driving less, many aren’t getting their driver’s license altogether. Studies show that in the last eight years the number of drivers between the ages of 18-25 are down nearly 25%. Experts point to our use of public transportation and ride-sharing apps as what’s to blame for us killing automakers’ bottom lines. Which is a nicer way of saying we’re too broke to get a car.
Fabric Softener. When it comes to laundry day you won’t be finding many Millennials reaching for a bottle of fabric softener. Why? Research says it’s because our generation isn’t sure what it does. Despite it being quite clear from the name…
Traditional Gyms. Our generation loves to cut costs where it can but we love to spend up on our fitness. Millennials are ditching the traditional workout centers and opting for boutique gyms that cater to one certain type of workout. CrossFit, Pilates, kickboxing, goat yoga… basically if it sounds expensive, our generation is into it.
Napkins. When is the last time you went to your friend’s house and they had any napkins that weren’t clearly from their last drive-thru or takeout order? According to consumer studies, only four in 10 households have napkins on hand and it’s our generation that’s making all the napkin makers reach for their tissues. Turns out we just buy massive amounts of paper towels instead.